heres how YOU came into the world...and itll explain also why i dont think you alone had a hand in it :)
you were due on keemy's birthday February 14th. for days i had been having contractions that were minutes apart, and painful, but would stop after quite a few hours.
i went to the doctor appt and i was not changed much, 3 cm dilated, 60% effaced. i'd only changed 10% effacement in one week and no more centimeters than before. the doctor asked when we wanted to schedule the induction. Julians birth was long and arduous, and because my water broke and i wasnt progressing, i had to use pitocin, aartifical hormone used to bring on contractions and speed up labor. it still laster 27 hours because of my rotten cervix! I wanted to give you extra time though, in case you needed it, so i scheduled the induction for a week laterm on February 21st at 6am.
i was sad.
i was tired and cranky and wanted to see you. i was convinced you would stay in forever.
daddy, jude and i went to dinner with Uncle Scott, Aunt Keemy and Kansas for Keemys birthday.
when we got home daddy and i got into an argument. i was so tesy and crabbycakes!
part of it was pain and exhaustion, the other was sadness. see on February 15th i celebrate the day my friend Shane went home to Heaven. I spent time around 1am on 02.15.2012 looking at blog posts and videos of Shane. i was reminiscing, feeling a little sad and thinking of you and Shane. I imagined him singing to you and watching over you. he would adore you for sure, i thought. this day wouldbe rough, with myself and his whole family thinking about him and missing him. 6 years now :(
at 3am i started having contractions. about 7 minutes apart at first, and then very quickly they became 6, then 5, then 4. it was about 5am when we called Karimeeah over here to watch Jude. and by then i was havign very painful ones, but i was laughing and joking in between them. i didnt really believe you were coming. i figured theyd stop soon just like all the other ones.
things would make them worse; walking would bring them on, or moving sometimes.
around 530 daddy and i got in the car and we headed to the hospital in Silverton.
we got there around 6 and the contractions were about 3-3.5 minutes apart.
they hooked me up to the monitors and i heard your heartbeat, such a sweet sound. you were doing great. they checked me, i was at a 4 cm and about 60-70% effaced and you were very high up still. not much progress but there was some forward movement!
within minutes i was feeling them even stronger. as time progressed they felt on top of each other, and the pain was so intense that my body would move to adjust and try to escape the painm, sometimes, despite my breathign exercises, i would shake from the pain. it was crazy how my body moved without my control! it was oerwhelming and overpowering and such an incredible feeling. while painful, i knew things were happening.
i asked for the epidural around 730 because i knew it may take awhile to get the doctor in there.
they checked me, i was at 5cm. the anesthesiologist was in a csection, where he had to stay until it was over, and we didnt hear anything back until 830 when we recieved word he would be on his way shortly. in that time, i laid in the jet bathtub, and still the contractions were so strong i would shake and moan violently. i tried to breathe but the pain was so overpowering. It felt like horrible cramps and that my body was clamping down on my stomach with fury. it was so painful.
now the contractions were every 90 seconds. and lasting for about a minute each.
the pain was unreal, and i lay there in silence between them, trying to relax as much as possible. i mustve grabbed daddys hand so tight every time!
the anesthesiologist came in and gave me my epidural at 9 and by 915 it was in place. he told me that within about 4 contractions i should be feeling okay.
my doctor came in at 1015 and checked me. Shocked he looked at me and said "youre at a 9."
i was in shock!
i mustve been at about a 7 or 8 when the epidural was placed and the last hour i was able to progress without much resistance from my body.
the nurse said to call if i felt any pressure or urge to push but within 5 minutes i called her and told her i felt you moving down.
they came in and sure enough you were traveling down further and further. at 10.54 we started pushing and after 3 contractions, at 1102am you came out to us!
it was so fast and super difficult. to progress so fast, 6cm in 2 hours was incredibly rough on my body, but you came and it was glorious! the firstg hour you spent with Aunt Keemy, Daddy and I and you met Jude too. it was perfect he loves you SO much and you are stunning.
right now youre crying for me...ill be back for more later baby girl :)
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