the happiest year of my life has come and gone and now we can work on the second happiest :)
im SO proud of you little moon.
youre incredible.
today mumma, dada, baba, grandma, aunt keemy and uncle Scott
April and the girls
we all went to the Portland Aquarium.
you loved being around us all, seeing the fishies.
you were so hungry after we enjoyed a nice breakfast for lunch, some mummas milk, and your first taste of apple pie...which, by the way, is probably your new favorite thing. When you had your birthday cake later, it didnt even compare to your love for apple pie!
i love you sweets. you are just the greatest little girl I have ever met, loved, and needed.
love you pudding!
moon shaped cake! :) for my moon!
Baba helped you blow out your candle :)
Happy 1st Birthday to your precious girl!!