Monday, July 15, 2013

my sassy girl.

17 months.
17 wonderful, challenging, learning, growing months.

its no secret you are the biggest firecracker ive ever met. the best little feisty roman candle. and im totally smitten with you. you are beautiful, kind, feisty, wily, smart, and so determined.
youre headstrong, strong willed, determined, and you know what you want. you know what you hate. and you know what makes you happy.

you laugh a LOT and the laugh is a goofy guffaw and i LOVE it. it explodes from your mouth like a little explosion and its so cute!

youre words these days are:
"I DID IT!" but more like "ididit!!!"
Outsiiiiide? and then OUTSIIIIIDE!
mama, dada, baba, meemee (kimmi), Kayka (kayla), Car-ree (carly)
Babbo (bebo, the binky)
uhhhh-UHHHHH (any time we want you to do something you dont wanna do, like get out of the tub or any place we are swimming. YOU LOVE WATER.)
Preebee (pretty, this is anything shiny or girly...nail polish, mamas ring, necklaces, etc. you love girly things, yet you play with cars and ninja turtles. i love it!)
Pees (please)
Hi and BuhBye
Ah-djee (the same every time, we have learned this is Maya Narae for "thank you")
ba-ba-ball (basketball, THATS MY GIRL!)
ni-ni (you now put yourself to sleep. i miss your cuddles and hope they come back!)
Ka-ga (your kangaroo)
beebee (baby)
Mi-mi (milk milk)
mmmhmmm (in your good moods, youre usually up for anything lol)
ticki ticki ticki - this is your variation of "tickle tickle tickle and you do it when you tickle.
and so many other things in your baby language :) i LOVE learning to speak your language as you learn to speak mine. sometimes you just babble and babble and im excited to hear those thoughts as your language progresses!

you can also sign a few words:
sorry (you have to use that one a LOT because you are quite the hitter...for no reason)

you have perfected the baby eyeroll. ive NEVER seen a baby do it. and you do.

you know what eyes, mouth, nose and hair are and will point to them.

you have a very specific bedtme routine. you want flower pillow, zoo blanket, kanga, violet, milkmilk and one or more bebo's. its so sweet.

we still cloth diaper and you drink organic cows milk and goats milk.
you love to play outside all the time! i cant keep up!
you love swimming and water and all that comes with it.
you climb onto EVERYTHING that you can.
You run EVERYWHERE. you recently had your first big bonk where yuou fell hard on your nose and cut it. we had to take you to the doctor and it was scary. as we speak you are trying to climb on me at the table. so imma go cuddle and play with you :)

i love you Moon baby!

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