Sometimes it is late and dark and the world is sleeping. And I am up thinking about you both.
Yesterday it was the day I met you both. Each day played through so quickly in my mind and the rush I felt came back clear as can be. I haven't stopped since that day. And you know, age doesn't determine the amount of time I've loved you. From the moment daddy and I decided to make a family together, we dreamed you, imagined you. We didn't know who would come first. But we knew there was an all consuming unconditional love for the children we wanted and needed to have together. I've loved you since the first moment daddy and I decided to throw out the contraception. Before I knew you...I loved you.
Both of you.
The Bible has a verse, and I hope anyone who reads this blog doesn't take offense if I mess it up "before you were formed in your mothers womb I knew you." The passage talks about gods love for us, and how before we came to be, He knew and loved us.
I subscribe to the same notion.
and I am so so thankful that you have come to us.
You found me, and id be lost without you.
Today julian and I sang a song "home" by phillip phillips. I say to daddy a lot "hold onto me as we go" and the chorus, as brother learns it, will be sung a lot. Hope sister doesn't mind :)
Ill bring the lyrics here in the morning or so. Just know...this song and the song "I will wait" (I think by mumford and sons) are some I hold dear.
I just love everything about you, on such a deep level.
I'm so so happy to be your mumma.
Love you mayanarae. Love you "judith".
Thank you!
You're SUCH a great Mama:)