ive got a couple toys left behind from my childhood and i cant remember a thing about them, so i thought id prevent this same thing and let you in on the stuffies im sure will be around for some time.
this white puppy makes you SO happy. you love him!you cuddle, pretend bark and just giggle when you see him. i got him for you at a thrift store i think, and it made your day! Baba fights you over it...but i think its just a phase :)
this kangaroo mumma and baby i got specially for you! it has the baby, which is you and the mumma which is me. the baby is perfect for your tiny hands. when youre older you can cuddle with that mumma one if you want and ill keep onto the tiny one...but anyway, just touches my heart when you love on it!

this is purple duck. julian has one, and you do too. i took julian to the store one day, to help him get used to havijng a sistrer around, and asked him to pick outa toy for his new baby sister in my belly...he chose this...and when we found a second, we couldnt resist getting it for jude. matchies!
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