Tuesday, September 30, 2014

holy smokes.

2. 2 has been interesting. Im still MADLY in love with you, but now im even MORE amazed. You are so Smart! you know most colors, numbers and counting and most letters. Im thoroughly impressed by your clever and mischevious ways. youre a spitfire, a firecracker and youre perfect for me. Im so in love. 

today you told me you loved me, so i asked "what does love mean maya?" and you responded wth a funny "love means we dont talk about things mama". 
you regularly do whatever iyou think will work to get what you want, and you LOVE a good snuggle. EVERY single time you lay down for sleep you ask daddy or I to lay with you and then for that person to "wub my weg" or "wub my back". 

like mother like daughter :) 

im so excited for this special time i get and im already nervous about returning to the workforce. Im so scared and I just hope that this tough time cools down so that we can go back to just smiling all day :) i love you boogey.