Sunday, November 15, 2015


:) lunch date with daddy

Maya Nawae and Ohweo


Remember this in the hard times of the world.

Holy One, our hearts are torn, broken, and battered.

Even across an ocean

from the City of Light;

Such pain, such violence, such suffering.


The trauma is immense, nearly unspeakable.

We know that we are called to feel the pain of humanity,

to hear the cry of the soul,

the innocent soul.

So we shall.


May it help us turn to love in spite of hate.

May it help us turn to trust in spite of fear.

May it help us turn to each other, people of all faiths and none, in spite of intolerance.

May it help us turn to our neighbors in need.

May it help us turn our care to the vulnerable near us.

May it help us turn our spirits to the grieving, the injured, and the traumatized.

May it help us turn to the recovery,

And to our work of becoming a world of justice and compassion. 

Turn us.  Guide our feet and hands.  Bring us to peace.



maya narae

Last night you awoke with croupy grossness and were miserable. I held you in my arms, cross legged on the floor and rocked you by the red light of your christmas lights. 

In those moments im reminded of how perfect we are together, even if we struggle sometimes. 

I will always hold you cross legged on the floor, your cheek against my chest. I love you Narae.