Saturday, September 15, 2012


this was my view last night.
it was rough.
daddy fell asleep early; he mustve been tired.
im very thankful the surgery was internal, and there wasnt any outward incisions that prevented me from cuddles.
getting two babies to bed after having surgery was harder than i thought.
but bein able to look at THIS? priceless.
i laid there looking at you and felt SO priveleged to be in that moment.
the day couldve played out SO much differently, but i was protected and given this blessing of a moment, this fantastic view. and in Brother's sleep, he put his arm around Sister and let out a big sigh of content. LOVED it!
i love this. love you. love everything.
no matter what happens, we are love!

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful, precious view!! Your babies are gorgeous. Thinking of you and praying for you, Mama.
